Monroe, Indiana





est. 2023

american football lace

$50 Fee* • Includes Team Shirt & Mouth Guard

*$10 discount for additional siblings

Do not let financial hardship be a reason for your child not to be involved.

Please contact us for more info.

Flags will be provided to use and returned at end of season.

Expression Mark Caught Attention Illustration
Expression Mark Caught Attention Illustration




Date: TBD but will take place sometime during AC Youth Football Camp (July 29- Aug. 2) - Same time as DFL

in-person registration:

Watch Facebook & Website!


Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star

Age groups: Pre-K & K; 1st & 2nd; 3rd & 4th Grades. Subject to change based on registrations.

Skills Testing: First part of August

2 Weeks of Practice (Twice weekly) Mid-August

Games & tournaments run late August thru early October (Based on AC and DFL calendars - TBD)



Solid Star
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Pre-k - 4th Grade, Co-ed

2024 registration

Football Icon
Outlined Star
Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star
Outlined Star
Solid Star
Outlined Star
Outlined Star
Solid Star
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Adams Central & AC District Homeschool Students

Skills & ball techniques

Strategy & teamwork exercises

Sportsmanship & resiliance

Fun & Enjoyment

Comic Surprise Expression Illustration

online registration

Click Here Button

Taylor: (260) 223-8682


AC Flag Football League is a non-profit, self funded program.

AC Flag Football League is up and running thanks to the support of its participants and sponsors. Starting a new sports league, even on a non-profit basis, involves a lot of initial background time and costs, and it's wonderful that registration fees, team sponsorships, and fundraising efforts have helped cover these expenses.

Investments in equipment like footballs and flags, team gear, safety measures like mouth guards and insurance, as well as the creation of a new field, are crucial to ensure a successful and safe season for all participants. It's evident that the community's commitment to the league has made this all possible.

Here's to a fantastic second season of AC Flag Football, filled with fun, camaraderie, and sportsmanship. Your dedication to providing this opportunity for the community is commendable, and it is greatly appreciated by all those involved.

Best of luck to all the teams in our second season, and may it be the another successful season!



ac flag rules

Pre-K & K Rules

  • 4 on 4
  • No rushing the Quarterback (QB)
  • No Quarterback (OB) runs
  • Defense must be at least 3 to 5 yards off the line of scrimmage
  • Coach will hand the ball to the Ouarterback (OB) for the snap
  • False starts will be replays
  • 4 downs to get a first down (past half field) & 4 downs to score a touchdown
  • Teams can go for it on 4" down or elect to "punt" which gives the ball to the other team on their own 5 yard line
  • Turnover on downs will be possession to other team on own 5 yard line
  • Each quarter will be based on number of possessions with each team getting an equal amount
  • Fumbles are dead balls & replay of down
  • Interceptions will be dead at the spot of the turnover
  • Negative yard plays will be spotted back to the original line of scrimmage; there will be no safeties
  • All touchdowns are worth 7 points as there will be no extra point conversions
  • All plays not covered in the above set of rules will be worked out between the coaches & then we will make a determination to add to the rules!


1st/2nd Grade & 3rd/4th grade rules

  • 5 on 5
  • 8 minute quarters and 4 quarters a game
  • First Overtime will be one possession (4 plays) for each team at the opponents 10 yard line until we have a winner. Pass only rules from 5 yard line to goal line still enforced; Second & more overtime(s) will be one play from the 5 yard line per team until we have a winner & will be pass only until the 4" overtime. During 4" overtime & after it will be run or pass option.
  • One player must be the center, who is eligible to catch passes
  • Only one player is allowed to be in motion on offense
  • Each team will have 4 plays to get a first down (half field line). If a first down is achieved without scoring, they will have 4 plays to get a touchdown once past the first down line from spot of the ball where flag pulled or out of bounds. Turnover on downs will result in the opposing team getting the ball on their 5 yard line (except for interceptions). Teams may elect to "punt" on 4" down. Ball will go to opponent's own 5 yard line for the new possession.
  • There will be "pass only" zones that will be 5 yards before the first down line and 5 yards before the goal line.
  • Quarterback & center exchanges (fumbled snaps) that hit the ground will be a dead ball. The first week will be a replay of the down. After the first week it will be counted as a play. Ball will be spotted at the spot of the fumbled snap.
  • All fumbles will be a dead ball as soon as it hits the ground. The offense will remain in possession of the ball at the spot of the fumble. If fumble occurs on 4" down, it will be a turnover on downs outside of week 1. The opposing team will gain possession on their own 5 yard line
  • Interceptions are live and can be returned. The spot of the ball will be where the intercepting player has either flags pulled or goes out of bounds. If interception leads to a touchdown, the scoring team will try the extra point of their choosing
  • Touchdowns are worth 6 points
  • Extra points are worth 1 or 2 points based on attempt. I point conversions will be tried 5 yards from the endzone and must be pass only plays; 2 point conversions will be tried 10 yards from the endzone and can be run or pass plays.
  • No flag guarding will be allowed, meaning players cannot push or smack defensive players hands away from their flags or block their flags with a free hand.
  • No "hands on" blocking meaning players cannot use their hands to block or push; They are able to get in front of defenders but not touch them intentionally.
  • One player will be able to rush the Quarterback and must be 10 yards off the ball; This player will be designated and in the center of the field by the coach(es)
  • Quarterbacks will only be able to run if they are being rushed by the designated defensive rushing player after the snap. Quarterbacks may also run the ball if they receive a reverse, meaning another player they handed the ball to hands it back, and it must be behind the line of scrimmage.
  • All plays not covered in the above set of rules will be worked out between the coaches & then we will make a determination to add to the rules!
Football stadium

2023 acffl team sponsors